Bojana Tulimirovic

Bojana Tulimirovic Joksimovic (Belgrade, 1987) holds a PhD in Spanish Linguistics from the University of Granada and is accredited as assistant professor by ANECA and ACCUA. She holds a degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Belgrade and Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Spanish Language as well as Master’s Degree in Foreign Language Teaching, both from the University of Granada. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Centro de Magisterio La Inmaculada, affiliated with the University of Granada, where she also holds the position of Coordinator of International Relations. During the academic year 2021-2022 she did a research stay at the University of Verona and has been a visiting professor at the University of Belgrade, University of Kragujevac, University of Bergen and University of Iceland, among others. Her main areas of research are Spanish pragmatics and phraseology, as well as sociolinguistics (she is part of the research team of the PRESEEA-Granada project) and the didactics and acquisition of foreign languages, mainly English. She has published in high-impact journals such as Pragmalingüística, Textos en proceso, Tonos digital, Revista de Investigación lingüística, Revista de lengua para fines específicos, etc. She is a member of the research group HUM170: Ibero-Romance Studies (Contrastive Linguistics and Comparative Literature).